Crop Circles

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Mystery of Crop Circles

There are many theories behind the mystery of Crop Circles. The question we have in mind is what are these unusual geometric and forms appeared in the wheat and corn field mostly in the US and Europe? Theories behind this phenomenon vary from highly scientific to completely bizarre hypothesis.

There are witnesses say crop circles formed in twenty seconds and mostly cases are often accompanied by sightings of incandescent or brightly-coloured balls of light, shafts of light or structured flying craft.

Tracing back in time, crop circle mystery started as early as 800 AD when Crop Circle investigator David Kingston uncovered a mention of them in French literature.

“The Bishop of Lyon at that time had written to the local parish priest who was taking over his parish just outside of Lyon. The contents of the manuscript were basically to warn the new priest that there had been "devil worship" by his local parishioners who were collecting seeds out of "flattened circles" and using them for fertility rites,” Kingston wrote in an article.

There has been a steady increase in reports of crop circles during 60s, and the frequency increases when in 1999 the occurrence were recorded at 200 formations, most theories and paranormal experts consider 1999 as the pivotal year in many prophecies.

What are the theories about Crop Circles? Investigators consider six possible causes of these phenomena.

UFO – it can be attributed to UFOs or suspected space crafts of Extraterrestrials (ET) that regularly visiting our planet or those beings we consider as Intraterrestrials (ITs). Most UFOlogist believe that these formations are warning from our space brothers, and that they are relaying these messages thru universal languages of mathematics and geometry with no intention of destroying the crops. In the first place based on earlier analysis of the crops in the circles, they are not damaged and not wilted.

Hoaxes – Skeptics say crop circles are man-made meaning there’s no such thing as these formations were done by unseen beings from other planets or those entities from another world of existence – the Extraterrestrials. There is evidence supplied by a high ranking informant in the British Ministry of Defense about intentions of their government to discredit the phenomenon by putting forward two hoaxers to quell growing public interest in crop circles. These were two simple, elderly men called Doug and Dave but later retracted their claims that they made all the formations, admitting that half the known formations or crop circles in the country were not artificially created by them.

Earth Energies – Other theorists believe that crop circles are the energies of the Mother Earth. Mostly among us know that the earth is a giant resonator, and it is believed that there is fairly strong evidence of ley lines or an earth grid, with power points where the grid or lines intersect. Many crop formations are found near other indicators of power places, such as the megaliths dotting the countryside of England, thought to have been positioned deliberately in energy areas. People near the newly circles heard trilling or humming sounds come from no apparent source, followed by the thrashing of the crops, as they bend downward in unison.

Vortexes – it is also believed that crop circles were made by vortexes such as atmospheric vortex, plasma vortex, and water vortex. But these vortexes seem to be not the real cause of the crop circles. Atmospheric vortex such as tornado or hurricane is violent and unpredictable, not to mention destructive, though they may lay plants down in a rough circular fashion. Plasma vortexes are thought to be caused by freak weather patterns and electrically charged air, similar to ball lightening, and do apparently sometimes glow in the dark - occasionally being mistaken for UFO's, but again, these are volatile and unpredictable weather occurrences that are unlikely to cause a crop circle with a definite geometric pattern. Water vortexes usually don't form in the middle of a corn field, so they can be pretty much discounted too, other than many people comment upon entering a crop circle that the crops do seem to have been lain down in a fashion much like would occur with a strong water stream.

Spiritual Energy – another theory about Sacred Geometry forms have an energy of their own, and that by visualizing these energies in crop circles, we are somehow replacing these same missing energies in ourselves. There are quite a few reports of people who visualized a certain shape and it appeared within a few days in a nearby crop circle. There are also numerous reports of people getting energies when standing within a crop circle - either negative or positive - indicating that there is indeed some sort of energy force involved.

Gaia, The Mother Earth Spirit – A theory of people believed that our planet has its own spirit that nourishes life on Earth. The crop circles serve as messages from the Earth Spirit giving us warnings about abuses we humans do against nature. It seems like the planet itself is giving us the necessary information about calamities and disasters that would occur in every mistake we did against Earth. It is the Law of Cause and Effect, we reap what we sow against the planet. Earth spirit also remind us what might happen to our planet if we fail to give her back the best protection and care. Look around us, better if we could still see trees that feed us. Others believe that Mother Earth is telling us “please don’t destroy the planet instead we (humans) should protect the planet from man-made destruction."


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